
August -25 Workshops

It’s hard to believe that the 2024-25 workshop season is almost upon us.  We have 2 great workshops to start us off as we also look forward to the new competition season.  Here they are:

*August 26, 2024 –  All About VCC Internal Competitions with Jill Turyk

Jill Turyk will share essential information on how to participate in VCC Internal Competitions, and to understand the club’s internal competition process. This workshop is designed for members who are new to the VCC Internal Competitions process and open to members at all competition levels.
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN IN-PERSON WORKSHOP,  to be held from 7 PM – 9 PM in Room 200, Fisher Building, Camosun College, Lansdowne Campus (3100 Foul Bay Road).  
Please also note that this workshop is limited to 35 registrants.
During this two-hour session, Jill will outline the competition process, including the following topics:
1.  Overview
    •    Members of the Internal Competitions Committee
    •    The value and benefits of participating in competitions
    •    Eligibility to enter competitions
    •    Competition levels and moving to the next level
    •    Planning ahead for competitions
    •    Reviewing for technical issues
    •    Naming your photos
2.  Internal Competitions Guidelines
    •    Competition Category definitions
    •    Size limitations for digital and print submissions
    •    Overview of judges
3.  Submitting Your Work
    •    How to upload an image into a competition
    •    How to prepare and submit a print into a competition
    •    What happens to the file between the time it was uploaded to the competition and when results are revealed on competitions night
4.  Year-End Competitions
5.  Questions and Answers

*August 27, 2024 –  Getting the Most Out of VCC External Competitions with Jim Fowler,  7pm-9pm via Zoom

Jim Fowler will share information on how to participate and succeed in VCC External Competitions. This workshop is designed for members new to VCC External Competitions, and members who have previously entered external competitions but feel they don’t get much from the experience. Jim will address the following during this two-hour workshop:
    •    Guide VCC members around the VCC External Competition web pages
    •    Introduce members to the internal workings of the External Competition Committee
    •    How to plan for the competition season in advance
    •    How to prepare for individual competitions
    •    Where to find VCC image rating guidelines
    •    How to benefit from competitions – entering is just the start
If you are new to competition, it would be useful, but not required, to attend Jill Turyk’s workshop Introduction to VCC Internal Competitions on August 26th. Some familiarity with the VCC web pages would be an asset.

How To Register for Workshops:
1.  You can click on the link provided in this email or you can click on the workshop of the VCC calendar just as you would if you were registering for a field trip.  This bring bring you the workshop description and bio of the workshop presenter.
2.  At the bottom of that page, click on Registration Information, then click on Register for Event.
3.  Final Step:  click on Register – you will then get a message that says you are currently for this event.  We know it’s a hugely redundant process but if you don’t click on that last Register, you won’t be registered.  Think of it as a final verification.
This is the same process whether the workshop is in-person or via Zoom.

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