It is incredible to think that it is eighteen years since Victoria Camera Club member (and former Eastwood
Photographic Society member) Douglas Bain approached myself (as Eastwood Photographic Society
Secretary at that time) to suggest a friendly digital international between the two clubs. How time flies!
Anyway, both clubs agreed to the idea, and the international has been held in Springtime ever since.
The event is somewhat unique in that images are included from both advanced members and
intermediate/division two members. With only one photo allowed per member and fifteen images from
each section, sixty photographers in total are involved. Further interest and intrigue are added by asking
two different judges, one from Canada and one from Scotland, to give their critiques and marks out of
Eastwood always has a presentation evening included as part of our weekly programme with the Scottish
judge present on the evening and comments from the Canadian judge projected on the screen. It is always
very interesting to see whether the comments of the judges agree or differ and what marks they allocate.
This year, the two judges were Mitch Stringer (Canada) and John McVie (Scotland), both of whom said that
the standard of images from both clubs were very high.
Three images received the top mark of 20 from both judges. They were “Weaverbird in ray of light” by
Gavin Hanna (Eastwood), “Spanish Banks Beach Serve” by Ron Charles (Victoria) and “Valencia Opera
House” by Graeme Hilditch (Eastwood). Congratulations to them.
Others which scored highly included “Different day, same routine” by Peter De Marco (E), “Grissly chase” by
Nick Delany (V), “Puffin portrait” by Dec Kiran (E), “The Anti Queens” by John Clark (V), “Wolverine in forest
snow” by Colin McLatchie (E), “Butterfly in detail” by Bill Cubitt (V), “So what you gonna do?” by Paul Ellis
(E) and “Breaking wave at Ogden Point” (by VCC author).
Congratulations to Victoria Camera Club who triumphed this time with a total score of 1012 to Eastwood’s
1007. Another close one! We very much look forward to meeting up again next year.
Jim McCreery
Editor, “Thru the lens” Eastwood Photographic Society’s monthly newsletter.