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VCC Internal Competition Thanks to Judges

October 2023 Competition Judges

We sincerely thank our external judges listed below for their adjudication and comments in our Novice, Intermediate and Advanced digital and print competitions.  Their comments on our images are a valuable learning opportunity for all participants and will help our club members in all their photographic endeavours.

Images and judges’ comments are available at the Victoria Camera Club website:

Glenn Bloodworth:  Nature

Glenn is a visual artist, with degrees from Algonquin College’s Photographic Techniques Program, and the School of Photographic Arts Ottawa (SPAO), receiving a diploma in Photographic Arts and Production.  He works primarily in medium-format film and composite digital fine art, and his pieces are held in public and private collections in Canada and abroad, including the City of Ottawa’s Art Collection.  He exhibits extensively in Ottawa as well as nationally and internationally.  Glenn has been featured in various press media, accorded numerous awards, and has been published, including “Fine Art Photography” in the Canadian Camera, Spring 2021.  In January 2022, he was named LUXlife magazine’s “Landscape Photographer of the Year (Ontario)“.

Glenn has been a Certified Canadian Association of Photographic Arts (CAPA) Judge since 2012.  Glenn judges extensively in Canadian and international photographic competitions; averaging 1.5 competitions a month over the past five years. He is the Director of CAPA’s National Judges Program, a senior trainer in its judging course, and an assessor for its judging accreditation program.  As well he is CAPA’s Ontario Zone Director. In 2020 he was invested as a CAPA Fellow (FCAPA).

More information about Glenn and his photography can be found on his website:

Wes Bergen:  Open

Wes has been a keen amateur photographer for over 50 years.  He has been a member of the Lions Gate Camera Club since 1969.  Wes has also been a member of the National Association for Photographic Art (NAPA, a precursor to CAPA) as well as CAPA.

He has had numerous acceptances and awards in international competitions, and has sold many of his images for use in calendars, tourism brochures and other publications.

Wes taught Photoshop courses at local school board continuing education departments for about 10 years.  He has written columns in Lions Gate Camera Club’s Photolog and in CAPA’s Canadian Camera magazine on digital photography and Photoshop.  He is a frequent judge and presents workshops at local photography clubs.

Robert Laramée:  Theme (Doors &/or Windows)

Robert studied photography with the School of Modern Photography.  He joined the RA Camera Club (Ottawa) in 1975 and was a member for nine years. During that time, he managed the club darkroom for several years. Moving to a new house to raise a family, he put photography on hold for nearly twenty years. Robert rejoined the RA Photo Club in 2002.

Retirement gave him more time to devote to photography and he started studying at the School of Photographic Arts Ottawa in 2006, where he completed a Part Time Studies Certificate in Analog Photography in 2009.

Robert has taught digital photography for the City of Ottawa and currently teaches at Académie des retraités de l’Outaouais.  He also runs workshops and recently started private coaching and mentoring.  As a photographer, he shoots landscapes and architecture; in the studio, he does tabletop photography and portraiture. He became a CAPA certified judge in March 2016.

Kathleen Frombach:  People

Kathleen is from the “Land of Living Skies” Saskatchewan, and is the Membership Coordinator for the Regina Photo Club.  She is happily retired after a career as a Medical Social Worker.

Kathleen has been captivated by photography since she received her first camera at the age of nine.  She enjoys all genres of photography, focusing on street and travel.  She always has a camera close by.

Kathleen is a Certified CAPA judge as of April 2023.

Larry Brietkreutz:  Altered Reality

Larry has been an avid photo enthusiast for over 40 years. He enjoys the inspiration and challenge of all types of artistic images, whether created with the camera, with software, or with brush and paint.  With his camera and computer software, he creates award winning impressionistic images of a world often overlooked by the casual observer.

He is a Certified CAPA Judge, and teaches photography courses for the City of Surrey – Recreation.  Larry has been a member of CAPA for many years, where he has served as Pacific Zone Director, as well as President.

Mitch Stringer:  Prints (All Categories)

Mitch is a freelance photographer and photography instructor in Victoria, British Columbia.

He truly enjoys the entire photographic process from capture, to process, to print as well as the constant quest of creating exciting images with each and every new assignment.  As photography is his creative passion, Mitch has been constantly exploring and improving a diversity of skills and experience, and with each new assignment, creating a strong technical and creative photographic understanding.

Mitch has run many destination workshops to locations around the world.  His passion and knowledge of photography have successfully driven over 30 years of teaching experience.

More information about Mitch and his photography is available on his website:

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