
August 23 Events

Thank you to Ian Faris for his contributions to the Events Calendar.

We do need a volunteer to replace Ian. Please consider doing so.

Click on the date to go to the VCC website for more info and to register when required.

Tuesday, August 1

Alternate Tuesday AM Field Trip – Elk/Beaver Lake Ponds

Group Leader: Jim Fowler

Join Jim Fowler and learn how to shoot Dragon Flies on Beaver Lake Ponds.

We will meet at the Equestrian Riding Ring off Beaver Lake Rd. You may want to bring a folding chair or camp stool so you can sit quietly as well as neutral color clothing so as not to stand out among the reeds.

You will have some great shots to share on the VCC Gallery.

10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Elk / Beaver Lake Equestrian parking lot off Beaver Lake Road

Saanich, B.C.

This trip is weather dependant, watch your inbox for updates

Please register.

Tuesday, August 8

Tuesday AM Field Trip – Improvisation

Coordinator: Penny Codding

Photoshoot: Black and White

Theme: This is the September Internal Club Competition theme. From the completion description: “Convert one of your images to traditional black and white, no sepia or one colour images. Subjects for this theme are architecture, landscape, people and dilapidated things.” 

Those interested will meet afterwards for lunch at noon at a downtown patio. Please register to receive follow-up information on any changes and to receive notification if a weather-related cancellation is required.

10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Farmhouse Victoria Coffee Shop in lower Bastion Square.

Please register to receive follow-up information on any changes and to receive notification if a weather-related cancellation is required.

Tuesday, August 15

Alternate Tuesday AM Field Trip – Heritage Acres

Coordinator: Don Piper

Come out and shoot some of the historic farm implements from the Saanich and Victoria area. Old buildings, tractors, trucks and a train. There are 29 acres of trails, ponds and displays to photograph. We will meet in the parking Lot.

Suggest we meet for lunch after the shoot at The Waddling Dog Pub, the corner of Pat Bay Hwy. and Mt. Newton Cross Road.

10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Heritage Acres

7321 Lochside Drive

Saanichton, B.C.

This trip is weather dependant, watch your inbox for updates.

Please register.

Tuesday, August 22

Tuesday AM Field Trip – Improvisation

Coordinator: Penny Codding

Photoshoot: Tourism and/or Tourists 

Theme: Tourism provides 22,000 jobs in Victoria and attracts nearly 4 million visitors to the city. Capture the visitors in action, or what the visitors come to see and do, or what living in a popular tourist destination means to you. 

Those interested will meet afterwards at noon for lunch in a downtown patio. Please register to receive follow-up information on any changes and to receive notification if a weather-related cancellation is required.

10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Farmhouse Victoria Coffee Shop in lower Bastion Square.

Please register to receive follow-up information on any changes and to receive notification if a weather-related cancellation is required.

Monday August 28

Orientation to VCC Photography Competitions Workshop

Workshop Leader: TBA

Details coming soon!

7:00 PM – 9:00 PM


Please register. Registration opens July 29, 2023 9:00 AM

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