sidney morning

February 2023 Events

VCC Events/ Key Dates

Click on the date to go to the VCC website for more info and to register when required.

Wednesday, February 1

Nature SIG – More info to come

7 – 9 PM


External Competition Deadline: Wednesday, February 1, 11:30 PM

CAPA Digital

Thursday, February 2

Competitions Night – Weather

7 – 9 PM

Hybrid: Norway House and ZOOM

Saturday, February 4

Workshop: Fundamentals of Black and White (Part 1 of 4)

Instructor Ed Moniz

Camosun College, Lansdowne Campus Room F200

10 AM – 1 PM

Registration for all four parts is required.

Monday, February 5

Workshop: How to Use Lightroom’s New Masking Tools

Instructor: Elizabeth Gray

7 – 9 PM


Please register.

Tuesday, February 7

Alternate Tuesday Photo Shoot – Centre of the Universe

10 AM – Noon

Dominion Astrophysical Laboratory

5071 W. Saanich Rd. Victoria

Please register.

Wednesday, February 8

Creative SIG – Theme TBD

7 PM – 9 PM


Thursday, February 9

Presenter’s Night:  Eileen Rafferty

Seeing in Black and White, Mimicking the Darkroom

Black and white photography still inspires and fascinates us today. Where once the darkroom was our playground, now we have powerful processing tools such as Adobe Photoshop. In this presentation we will explore creative methods for crafting a unique photographic image mimicking darkroom techniques and historical processes. We will cover various types of toning, adding custom borders, layering with textures, adding text and exploring custom brushes. Bring your curiosity and imagination!

7 – 9 PM


Photo by Eileen Rafferty

Saturday, February 11

Workshop: Fundamentals of Black and White (Part 2 of 4)

Instructor: Ed Moniz

Camosun College, Lansdowne Campus

10 AM – 1 PM

Monday, February 13

Novice Image Reviews

VCC novices can get feedback on their favourite images with David Clow, one of VCC’s advanced members.


Tuesday, February 14

Tuesday Photo Shoot – One Colour

Fill the frame with one colour.

Meet at: Bastion Square at Wharf Street

10:00 AM – NOON

Please register.

Thursday, February 16

Members’ Night

7:30 – 9:30 PM

Hybrid: Norway House and ZOOM

Saturday, February 18

Workshop: Fundamentals of Black and White (Part 3 of 4)

Instructor: Ed Moniz

Camosun College, Lansdowne Campus

10 AM – 1 PM

Tuesday, February 21

Alternate Tuesday Photo Shoot – Ogden Point

Ogden Point was named for Peter Skene Ogden (1793-1854) a fur trader and explorer employed by the Hudson Company. Completed early in 1917, Ogden Point Breakwater was marked the following year by a square, white pyramidal concrete tower erected by the Parfitt Brothers at a contract price of $1,655.

211 Dallas Road, Victoria

10 AM – Noon

Please register.

Tuesday, February 21

Workshop: Intermediate/Advanced Image Review (Nick and Kathryn Delaney)

The objective with the workshop is to help Intermediate and Advanced members learn what makes a strong image and how to take it to the next level – whether for internal competitions, external competitions or simply for your own enjoyment. Along with constructive review/criticism, we will use the PSA study group scoring criteria to help members better understand how competition images are judged.

6:45 – 8:00 PM


Please register.

Friday, February 24

BC/Yukon Inter-Club Speaker Series

Dianne Bos 

VCC will host the third speaker in this four-part series, beginning with a half hour showcase of some of our best photos.

Dianne Bos has evolved various thematic bodies of work, merging technical innovations to create new visual hybrids: her innovative uses of home-made pinhole cameras, film, camera obscura, photogram, installation and cyanotype all explore the world around us. “The excitement for me lies not in photographing and reproducing something I can see, but in revealing the imperceptible (and maybe only the imagined) using the physics of light and time and traditional darkroom techniques.

Saturday, February 25

Workshop: Fundamentals of Black and White (Part 4 of 4)

Instructor: Ed Moniz

Camosun College, Lansdowne Campus

10 AM – 1 PM

Tuesday, February 28

Tuesday Photo Shoot – Polished

Polished: smooth, glossy, shiny, cultured, elegant, refined or…

Meet at: Bastion Square at Wharf Street

10:00 AM – NOON

Please register.

Tuesday, February 28

Workshop: Intro to Luminosity Masks with Greg Benz

Registration opens on January 28 at 9 AM

7 – 9 PM


Registration required.

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