The Tuesday Shoots began as a themed shoot in downtown Victoria two Tuesdays a month. Members met at a fixed location, enjoyed a coffee and a bit of social contact, and then went out and about to search for potential photos to fit the theme. At noon, members would re-assemble at a pub or restaurant chosen in advance and talk about the shoot, photography, or life in general over a drink and some food. It was a great way to learn about what others were doing, what was new, and what interested them.
After lunch members went home, uploaded their photos, and chose a few to upload onto the Tuesday gallery. Members were often amazed at the different choices and interpretations made by other members around the theme.
The Alternate Tuesday shoot began when a couple of Tuesday regulars decided it would be nice to visit different locations around town and be free to shoot anything they wanted, rather than following a theme. Thus, Alternate Tuesdays was born.
There was a brief period during the early days of the covid pandemic when all Tuesday shoots were suspended, but because Tuesday and Alternate Tuesday shoots are generally outdoors, the shoots resumed minus the indoor portions, with suitable masking and distancing. As of September of 2022, members have chosen not to participate in indoor coffee and lunch meetings, but hopefully those too can be resumed when the threat of Covid recedes.
Unlike most Club activities, the Tuesday and Alternate Tuesday shoots go all year around. It is a great way for new members to get to know a few members at a time, and to show their work in a non-competitive environment. It is very common to hear discussions about member’s photos from the previous outing, or to hear the latest review on a member’s new equipment.