close-up digital: Exclusive News,
Ideas, and Information from the
Victoria Camera Club

February Workshops

February 3 – Visual Design for Photography Workshop with Kathryn Delany (QPSA) via Zoom 7-9pm Do you want to create images that leave an impression

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Welcome to our blog.

This blog was created in November 2022 as a replacement for our paper publication Close-Up. Close-Up served us well for the many years that we published it; it received many awards and garnered a lot of praise for its articles and stories, as well as it’s photographic content.Times do change and we felt it was time to move forward. The world has become more interconnected with electronic media, and we felt it was time to join in that trend with an electronic version of our magazine.
We knew we would be in pioneering territory as no clubs anywhere have a blog to get their message out. We were on the leading edge.
Everyone from our web designer, Quadra Street Designs, the app developer, Icegram, to our Editor, Roger Botting, and everyone in between when through weeks of headaches and setbacks. It’s called bleeding edge for a reason.
But now it’s done and working spectacularly. Our subscribers have grown and grown; interest has spread far beyond the club and will continue to grow.
This is a great achievement for our club, and it only happened because nobody gave up. This is something the club can be proud of.

James Dies – President – Victoria Camera Club

A Club of Photography Enthusiasts

The VCC is the largest camera club in BC, with roots back to 1944. Currently approximately 250 members, who meet to learn, share, and promote the art and science of photography. There are a wide range of regular events such as workshops, field trips, competitions, and shared interest groups.


A wide range of topics are presented each month ranging from instruction on the basic elements of photography, photo editing, to advanced techniques for both shooting and post-processing. 


The Club holds six monthly Internal Competitions through the year. The Club and individual members also compete in External Competitions with other clubs and though CAPA and PSA.

Field Trips

An opportunity for members to take photographs in the company of others.  Two to four trips per month are held on weekends and during the week, both in-town and beyond.  In addition, Tuesday AM shoots are held each week featuring specific subjects or locations. 

Presenters Night

Monthly specialized presentations from guest speakers from the community and beyond to entertain and educate members. 

Members Night

A monthly opportunity for members to share their images, techniques, knowledge and questions. 

Shared Interest Groups (SIGs)

An opportunity for members to pursue their particular photographic interest and passion.  Current SIGs include Nature, Creative, and Aerial Photography.  


All the Club’s activities give members the chance to socialize with others and to share our common interest in photography.   Many of our activities often conclude with a lunch or dinner to relax and review how the activity went. 

We need your help

The Victoria Camera Club welcomes submissions to Close-Up Digital from club members of all skill levels.

Submissions should be on topics of interest to the membership—club events and workshops, tools and techniques, reviews of photography shows and books, the history of photography, the role of photography in society, and so on.

Articles should be 500 to 2000 words in length but exceptions will be considered. Photographs may be submitted with articles. Video submissions are also welcome.

All materials, writers, photographers, and videographers must be clearly identified. Permission to publish must be provided and material must be free of copyright claims.

Authors must expect that articles will be reviewed for suitability and may be edited for readability and flow, clarity, grammar, and punctuation.

Email to Submit an Article or Comments to the editor should be sent to

Submission details

Submissions must be in either Text or Word files. No other formats please.

Photographs are to be JPEG and must include one horizontal 2000 pixels wide and one or more of any shape photo, 2000 pixels wide or high. 

Photographs may be cropped to fit layout. 
The photographs should be sharp, clear photographs, properly edited for colour, exposure, etc.

Videos should be submitted with a Youtube link and if accepted will be transferred to the club’s Youtube account. Videos are expected to be properly colour graded and exposure corrected, with good sound quality.

Articles will be published when the content is finalized and can be scheduled if needed.

The decision to publish, decline, or retract any article lies solely with the editor and the Board of Directors of the Victoria Camera Club.